Ever wonder why some men have great beards & well, some look more like they were cuddling their old pet dog?
It’s all about geans (not jeans) or genetics. Mostly, you either have what it takes or you don’t.
You know that most Asian men struggle to grow anything that even remotely resembles a beard while their Mediterranean brothers have beards that resemble a forest.
Naturally occurring Testosterone levels may also have a huge effect on what grows on your face (and…other parts of the body, too).
In 2020 (the Chinese year of the RAT), there ain’t a lot you can do about your geans (not jeans) but you may be able to increase your testosterone levels.
Here are a few easy ideas to try.
- Exercise – yes exercise and physical fitness are huge factors. Can’t go for a run, then get some easy exercise into ya!
- Diet – eating well-balanced healthy meals, high in vitamins, plenty of carbs & protein. This should crank up your energy levels, your metabolism
- Food – Eat foods that are high in vitamins like B1, B6, and B12
- YOU time – Getting plenty of rest, and having at least eight hours of sleep a day will help to recharge the body and encourage beard growth. Not only Nanna needs a nanna nap!
- Washing – Use a facial scrub to clean the skin and remove dead cells, to clear out the skin, aiding in hair growth & will also prevent beard dandruff. Make sure to use warm water to open up the skin pores.
- Rub n’ Tug – No not quite but I knew it would grab your attention…massaging the facial skin does improve blood circulation which should also help hair growth.
- Shower – After the shower, treat your face/beard with natural beard oil. After a warm shower, the skin pores are open.
Now you know, we expect to see before, during, and after shots of that breathtaking beard as it consumes your face.
Please share your beard on www.facebook.com/groups/beardsaustralia/
Furthermore, check out some of our organic beard grooming essentials here https://www.beardsaustralia.com/grooming-products/